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Nanded District Population
Nanded District Total population is 3361292. Rural Population is 2447394 and Urban population is 913898. Nanded District is in Maharashtra State
Total Population |
Male | Female | |
Rural | 2447394 | 1258160 | 1189234 |
Urban | 913898 | 471915 | 441983 |
Total | 3361292 | 1730075 | 1631217 |
List of sub districts in Nanded District and Population
Sub district name | Total population | No of Houses |
Mahoor | 99940 | 22127 |
Kinwat | 247786 | 52223 |
Himayatnagar | 109727 | 22669 |
Hadgaon | 259986 | 52908 |
Ardhapur | 109332 | 19779 |
Nanded | 719188 | 134237 |
Mudkhed | 115696 | 21010 |
Bhokar | 138313 | 27561 |
Umri | 99019 | 19580 |
Dharmabad | 96776 | 19104 |
Biloli | 170159 | 34675 |
Naigaon (Khairgaon) | 182868 | 38969 |
Loha | 241885 | 46933 |
Kandhar | 248870 | 48607 |
Mukhed | 293885 | 58929 |
Deglur | 227862 | 46123 |